
Short compiliations

Dreamy sleep

This beautiful dreamy sleep, 
I dream about my future, while my present is flying
I dreamt money, fame and fortunes in those flights of the past,
Fortunately, I did not get all that - I got you. 
This beautiful dreamy sleep.

Introspecting my thoughts and expectations from a by-gone time.



Lions fear for their feed, 'nesses hunt for their pups,
The game fears for her foal, this world fears for their balance.
Fear fears it will be missed, so does religion and society,
- I fear for my when, my well-being and my well.

The many fears that I carry along - the burden of life and reality that strikes me when I wake up and reminds me when I am low and out.



Turns, whips, see-saw rolls;
Dreams, stares and ceiling falls.
Sleeplessness on the prowl.

Big blobby eyes revolving around my sun;
Gleams thoughtfully like fruit by a black bun.
Sleeplessness on the run.

Wavering prying around the room;
Stares a question when each taunt grooms.
Sleeplessness on the loom.

The agonizing time spent in understanding love, life and the likelihood of using those words in the same sentence. Written around mid-night.



Losses are mounting and seats are burning,
Eyes are turning and hearts out pounding.

Bosses are yelling and tables up piling,
Keys are toiling and the box is whiling.

Crosses are rising and football is demising,
Wheels are pricing and backs are reeling.

Breeze is lieing and food is frying,
Thoughts are flying and fear is greying.

Losses are mounting and seats are burning -
Life is re-mixing and decisions are crying.

Day dreaming about the next few steps in life and being realistic at the same time about who I am and what I offer.


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