



Criticism does wonders

Someone, who matters just told me that what I write on emails, is not actually understandable !!!

May be I need to improve my grammar and penning habits...

" u have a very vague style of writing, if u wanna become a popular writer who people understand, try to sort out ur similies, think if what ur writing will be understandble to people reading it.ur writing is u marketing urself, always remember, u sell what people want to buy, not what u want them to buy. "


Plan me a future course of action

Can anyone plan a future course of study or work for a 20 yr old civil engg student ...PLease respond


Amby Valley, Sahara Lake city

AMBY valley, SLC (it is also similar to salt lake city, O) located amid the mountains of Lonavala, happens to be one place to live. Entry for visitors stands at a steep 10000, check the zeroes. Well its been 24hours for me to find out this wonderful kiosk. add to it a tent bedroom with added luxurious, a gala star breakfast and lunch at four seasons hotel. The golf cars that run on battery and the solar power systems, unimaginable. There s mighty more to add with pools, sports complex and a 10000 acrea open area with lakes, boats, fantastic construction projects on slot like hydro generation and bridges with aesthetic puch ups. Like 4 hotels, mercedes and toyotas and strict security ( their more in number than the livers..) DREAMS land here. May be inspirations as well .... I will add


Just went by to Gallops, Ahmedabad. Nice open space, well too open ... might be coz I went in at 10 in the morning to buy a pair of floaters)

Buy me that pair of Woodland shoes this diwali ... they were so cool with the reflectors, side grips and punches on the sides, top grips with brake fins and a fab-tastic sole

You just have 5 shopping days left.


Eating alone, outside

I just recognized a pattern, a few examples to begin with; my professor at university - he was a strict fellow at face and too analyitical by numbers, but when he was about to leave uni. did we understand his softer and more humourous side, his ability to right poetry and his chaste to click the right buttons on camera no.2 is my friend who is in Vellore doing a degree on BioTech and no.3 is me without my family.
The pattern was trying to figure out a way to eat dinner... No.1 did a theoretical approach to the subject, studied the laws of humanity and and made researches on cooking habits and various government policies, the other chose to eat at Mac and was very content with Mac stuff.
I just got so irritated that I went to the restaurant near my place, sat there, placed my order fromthe pathetic menu and waited. Later my frustration saw no bounds, I stood up, shouted and told them to just parcel my order home. I was so tired at the end of the eventful day that I came home, drank and slept off.
May be I will to go the restaurant today to check out his bills. or may be order again TODAY.



Its been through with me since time I remember. Mutli-choice answers for the pathetic paper on Alternative sources of energy ruined my chances of making a good score this semester; choosing two different job profiles though their only part-times leading to a bogus thought process of choosing my future. The biggest blunders have been choosing construction sites and your set of ideals and ethics. I strongly approve that when you get, you get lots, otherwise you spend time day-dreaming and going bald.


Health and hygiene in India

My house generally stays under the topics' maintenance period for like 6 months in a year. Mainly it is because we are a big bunch of people and otherwise I belon to a tropical country. I am not criticizing in this patter World - developed countries - country - state - city. But for much my country is where I start. Pointing:
Pollution, Global warming, habits, literacy and value, impoverishment and laws.
The other way story is individual behaviour, uncontrolled access, food processing laxes, restaurants and the social crave.


Managing Disasters

Into my studies, I am to prepare a disaster management report of a small hypothetical area. For beginners the report is a compilation of mitigation measures to avoid and control a disaster before it happens, incident control systems and a post disaster learning and earning strategy.
Point 1
I am working on it in the middle of night, drowsily trying to generate the area of my stay into a map.
Point 2
Population concentrations, people behaviours are so probabilsitic that they change from season and from fashion to fashion.
Point 3
Point 4
Incident systems are difficult to put in place like rescue, medical supplies because I am least confident of my team members.why? If the citizens of this area dont long for changes in their normal life, why will they opt for changes to fit in an event that is more than an annual event*
Point 5
All my friends are sleeping, so the work is very narrow approach to a population of 100,000 idiots.

Hope and spirit is the only thing that saves this area, year after year


Working on System Designs

A rare opportunity I have in studying at SBST, CEPT, now in the seventh semester of my study; I have banged into this wonderful subject called System Designs. As the words sound, designing a system for any project so as to define its constraints and line up its objectives. In simple lines it means to make a project user friendly and to line out its friendliness parameters to its users.

Ardent Modi fan

MY fanning this idea about Modi dates back to some years, his quintessial style of debating , and his natural persona of talking on any subject with that hint of Indianness and the hindu religion (read ancestral knowledge) makes any an audience convinced of his leadership capabilities. The varied remarks that NBA (Narmada Bachao Andolan) and Amir and Congress paid Business leaders have thrown at him makes me and my fellow friends more strongly Modimatic in our thoughts. It is the natural blend of an Indian society and a conservative thinking, just while putting foot into the modern world of fast bucks and fast cars that make us more anatogonistic of the tactics used by anti- Modi team members. My personal view is that many an A-M indiviudals have been pushing money into Gujarat to oust him from his position, but have failed. The rising markets in the state; namely Diamond polishing, pharma, textiles, chemicals and agro-based have been targeted by the anti-Gujarat lobby since a long time, resulting into riots, and anti-social acts. Kudos to gujarat and gujaratis.


Navratri talks

Its been literally 8 nights and all fun. Days are for sleeping and nights for hanging in at campus trying to do so garba and learn all the nags being a security man. Realistically it is like learning people-skills and otherwise doing all the work for no pay. Money and greed are two controls that switch between leaders ( read council members ) now and then.